
The Chosun e-newsletter Archive Volume 8 #3 March, 2017

Dear Martial Arts Enthusiast,Welcome to the March edition of the  Chosun Taekwondo Academy e-newsletter!...It is hard to believe that just a year ago we were starting a new chapter in the CHOSUN journey. Looking back it has been a year o...

The Influence Taekwondo has had on my Life

Yellow Belt Essay by Michele RadakovitsI have been with my current employer for 17 years. I am proud of the fact that in my position I am able to help people, some of whom would otherwise be forgotten. Some of these people have physical or emotional ...

The Chosun e-newsletter Archive Volume 8 #5 May, 2017

Dear Martial Arts Enthusiast,Welcome to the May edition of the  Chosun Taekwondo Academy e-newsletter!...The warm weather is finally here and it is not too early to start planning our summer activities at CHOSUN. (Details to follow) In t...