Chosun Taekwondo Academy teaches self-defense at United Nations

Chosun Taekwondo Academy teaches self-defense at United Nations

Press Release published in the Warwick Advertiser March 26, 2024

On Friday, March 8, Grandmaster Doug Cook, ninth-degree black belt and owner of the Chosun Taekwondo Academy in Warwick, hosted a special self-defense course at the request of United Nations in honor of International Women’s Day.

The program, attended by over 20 staff members, consisted of striking, kicking, and blocking techniques as well as extrication skills against various grabs.

“We were honored beyond measure by the invitation to teach self-defense in the UN’s hallowed halls of reconciliation,” Cook said in a press release. “It is my sincere desire that the participants will never need to endure an unprovoked attack. Yet, the skills we rendered are proven to save lives.”

Cook’s hosts were impressed.

“I would like to thank Grandmaster Cook and his instructors on behalf of the United Nations for traveling to our facility for the second time to offer this amazing workshop,” said UN Program Coordinator Lucile Meunier. “There was strong energy in the room and all participants were very pleased with the results. We look forward to repeating this course by the end of the month since we now have a waiting list of other staff members.”

Chosun Taekwondo Academy is located at 60 Galloway Road in Warwick. For more information, call 845-986-2288 or